Open Positions

You are interested in mechanical properties, defect structures, microstructure, or fundamentals of plasticity and like to work in a young dynamic research group? Then you are invited to contact Robert Maass directly to explore possibilities.

Undergraduate students: There are currently no openings for 2024.

PhD students: I am looking for a PhD student in the area of liquid-metal embrittlement. Please only send serious applications. Any unspecific application will simply be deleted.

Postdocs: I am always looking for highly motivated and skilled postdocs in the area of metals (microstructure, mechanical properties, AM, etc.) and glasses (both metallic and oxide systems). Contact me directly and convince me that you are the right candidate!

As a member of the international Alexander von Humboldt (AvH) Network I can host postdocs that are interested in working with me and that intend to apply for the Feodor von Lynen Scholarship. We also offer the Adolf Martens postdoctoral fellowship for incoming scientists from abroad.